

In Which She Is Honoured - IWD

A candle to honour.

On thursday night, in the comfort of Idelette's home, we partook in a fun exercise. Sharing with full, stewing hearts, each candle was lit to represent the woman we chose to honour. One by one a humble glow began to fill the room.

Friday March 8th marks a very special and meaningful day, International Women's Day. And I quote Sarah Bessey "It is a global day that celebrates the economical, political and social achievements of women past, present and future."

There are three women my heart honours, but on this day, I honour my mother. She is one of the most hardworking women I have ever known. Literally. It's all I've ever really known of her. When my sister and I were young, she worked (at one of the top companies in Trinidad as the main man's secretary), took college courses at night, and raised a family! And while doing so, at no time did she ever fail to look beautiful. She hardly appeared unraveled. I remember always looking up to her in admiration of her care, love, beauty, strength, and creativity (and wanted her clothes and shoes. Naturally. Haha). In everything I've seen her go through, she's remained strong. I've actually never ever ever seen her cry. Which concerns me to be honest. As a family, we have been through alot. But my mother has always remained a backbone for us all, with our utmost best interest in mind. (Even with my sister and I in our late 20s/early 30s). This quote was written with her in mind, I just know it...

She is very supportive and highly protective of those she loves and cares for. Which is, without a doubt, I know where I get it from! She loves without borders. Now that is to be admired. And so she is by anyone who comes in her midst. I adore that people (family, friends, whatever) can trust her with literally anything. She has created a home that is safe. And a scene that is hospitable.

She has taught me a lot about life, love, relationships, and friendships (which have become lessons I've learnt in the past few months/year). She has shown me time and time again how to handle hardships. She is there for me when my eyes have turned red from the tears, and tissue is filled with gunk. She sees my heart, and that, well that is truly the world to me. We haven't always been in this place. In fact, she shared this bond with my sister. I was (am) the younger, free running, outgoing, artsy, emotional one - hardly any connection, which meant hardly any room to understand. But as the expression goes "You appreciate your mum more as an adult, than as a teen" (sound the gospel church stomp "hallelujah"!); couldn't be anymore true. This woman is wisdom walking. And our relationship gets sweeter with time.

She is creative and artistic, even though she may not say so herself. Pursuing art as a career was not openly welcomed in her generation as it is in mine. My eye for design is something I share with her. I am beyond grateful that this is an inherited trait.

She is a child at heart, and I love that about her.

Her laughter and smile is radiant and contagious.

She is poised and eternally gracious.

Her top love language is Acts of Service, second being Words of Affirmation. Something we share.

I could literally go on and ON, but I'll stop now. She is incroyable. And I sent her a text the morning of letting her know so.

Xxx, love you Mumsy. A candle has been lit in your honour.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

Here are some link-ups about this meaningful day:

Idelette paints the picture of her first International Women's Day. That faithful day bared fruit to the rest of her life when she met her mentor and now aunt, Dorothea. Canada meets South Africa in Taiwan.

Sarah Bessey  calls forth the Jesus Feminists - men and women who are feminist precisely because they love Jesus - to join in on her syncroblog. I've added mine, click here to read other participants posts.

Sarah Markley shares the importance in teaching the young ladies in our lives that "They have a voice"