

Surrender to His Decoration and Beautification

Isaiah 64:4-9 NLT - I am The Clay and He is The Potter.
He alone knows how I am to be formed. Clay cannot form its own self. The Potter sees every intricate detail before creation, during the process, and at its completion. I need to place myself back onto the 'Christ' pedestal and allow my father, The Creative Potter, to mould me into what He truly has in mind for me to be, since the beginning of time. 

Father, you waited on me even as I tried to 'create' my own self. That is what true mercy is. So now, I turn back to you, in surrender, and say Your will be done. Have my heart. You make the most beautiful things out of dust. 

"I must relent in absolute surrender to His decoration and beautification of my life for His glory."

Images via: Potter / Fragrance Bottle

With Truth and Grace, Let Heaven Invade. - Chervelle Camille